Jerry Hunt: Birome (ZONE): Cube
(ZONE): Cube is devised as a reflex memory cabinet with transactional core:
the mechanism used is item-element invariant and system transparent; the cube
zone is a body-memory exerciser and operates as a continuous "other":
a sexual surface trance derivative emulator. The interior surfaces of the
cabinet serve as source skrying planes through access points using a system
derived from the angelic tablets of John Dee; the core is a composite mannequin
arrangement (homunculus) provided with interactive signature translators derived
from a serialized variant of Rosicrucian chess (sigil) and is sensitive to
participant skrying action. The participant/cabinet/core interaction is arranged
in such a way as to cause the core assembly to generate response signatures
translated as context codes along a binary interleaved multiplex transsexual
spiral: the spiral contains embedded narrative whorls: each whorl generates a
string of sound-image derivatives. Deep whorls (cores) use spatial reposition;
continuant whorls (narratives) use temporal reposition. Sound and image
sequences and stills are parallel threaded into the multiplex spirals.
The system uses an audio/video retrieval mechanism in the surfaces (monitors), sequence and stream interactive with the accumulative history of the participant/cabinet/core exercise. The mannequin artifact assembly was designed with the assistance of sculptor David McManaway.
- Jerry Hunt, 1988
Original Material Copyright © 1988 by Jerry Hunt. HTML Coding Copyright
© 2001 by Michael Schell.
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